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Pastoral Care

This is a comparatively small school and much emphasis is put on producing a friendly, caring atmosphere in which boys and girls can develop their own particular talents. They are also encouraged to develop habits of self-discipline in their work, appearance and behaviour. A prefectural system gives the pupils the opportunity to take responsibility for the discipline of others.

Form teachers are responsible for the welfare and progress of all pupils in the school up to and including Year 11. To help the tutors in this task each pupil is issued with a homework diary which may be used for brief communications between parents and teachers. Pupils are required to enter each day's homework in the diary and parents are required to check that the work has been completed, and to sign this diary on a weekly basis. As far as possible, form teachers stay with the same group of pupils for at least two consecutive years. In the Sixth Form all pupils will belong to a small tutor group, for which the same teacher will be responsible throughout the two years.

This continuity of contact between teachers and pupils ensures that firm relationships and understanding are established. In addition, all pupils belong to a house, Jupiter, Mars or Mercury, and each week the 'House Points' are totalled as a result of credits awarded during lessons. There are also many House Competitions, mostly sporting events, in which the House Masters/Mistresses encourage all pupils to participate and in this way a spirit of competition is fostered amongst all age groups.

Parents wishing to discuss their child's progress have access to all teachers via an appointments system and the Headmaster and his Deputy are always delighted to meet parents at any time. More formally, there is an excellent Parents Teachers Association where parents and staff can exchange ideas designed to benefit the welfare and education of the children.